
Virgo Tuus Part 20: A Foolish Plan

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Agi awakened from her slumber, Kora waving her hand in front of Agi's face, whistling to wake her up. Her eyelids came to an instant opening, she wondered where she was, how she got where she was, and why Kora was waving at her.

"Wake up, or I'll slap ya!" Kora said to her, not even smiling.

"What happened? Did I have another one of those incidents?" Asked Agi.

"You fell down the steps, took a nasty fall, was horrible, just horrible." Kora lied.

"Kora, she-" Gala was interrupted.

"My mistake! You tripped and fell down the steps, bumping your head. But don't worry, all is okay." Kora spoke loudly, knowing Gala was going to tell the truth.

"But Kora-" Gala said, once again being interrupted by Kora whom was determined not to let Agi know she got punched in the face.

"It was a nasty fall, and we thought you were going to die! Okay? Okay! Let's move on, shall we?!?" Kora shouted.

Agi grabbed Kora's outstretched arm and hand and stood up with her, rubbing her hand over her head.

"Where is Peli?" Asked Agi.

"Uh, she didn't come back with you. She may have found Nana already." Suggested Gala. "I gotta go find her, she's no match for any of the horsemen!" Agi exclaimed as she hurried back up the stairway to go after Peli.

Meanwhile; Peli and Nana were feeling quite brave after Acidicus was disposed of. Nana followed Peli through the corridors and chambers watching her strut like a hot shot. Peli led the way as if she knew where she was going, but she had already taken them in a square of the same rooms. Nana was too amused by Peli's charming figure to notice, and Peli was aware- at least Nana wasn't questioning her lead so far. She expected Nana to start talking any time, and was prepared to strike her down instantly; and when she did finally open her mouth, Peli cut her off at the sound of her inhale before speaking.

"Not a single word, child!" Peli shouted.

Nana's eyes drooped in sadness when Peli silenced her. Then she figured if she asked a different question other than her original, she'd get an answer. She once again opened her mouth to speak, and at the first sound of a syllable, Peli again silenced her.

"Child, I will gag you if you don't be quiet! I'm trying to concentrate on getting out of here!" She said, raising her voice.

"You don't need to be so mean..." Nana whimpered quietly.

Peli stopped, Nana stopped. Peli looked down at childish Nana and was about to scold her for her naivety, but realized she would only cry and not understand.

"Listen to me, this is no time to act so foolish. Be quiet, and do as I say. For once you would do some good to shut your yap!" Peli told her.

"My yap? What's that?" Nana asked.

"Your mouth. Shut it!" Peli yelled back.

"Okaaayyyy.... I was just going to say that we have been walking in the same rooms, and I only just realized this." Nana explained.

Peli gave Nana an agitated look.

Meanwhile, an impatient Light Queen and her even less patient right-hand soldier have been devising a plan to take Jodak from Andrew and Iridius. The Queen had been spending days probing Jodak's mind remotely with her telepathy; now she knew that the dwarf woman knew information that could sink Ixora's plan to have Gala and Kora imprisoned. She quietly plot with Opal behind closed doors and away from her advisers to kidnap Jodak when she wasn't around Iridius at least, the Human could be marginalized easily as far as they were concerned. Opal expressed concern about trying to cross Iridius, even though she was confident that she could kill her all too easily, she was determined to fight Iridius on another day. This day instead, the Queen finalized the plan with Opal in private.

"If we can't get Iridius and Jodak to separate at this point, then we have to pry them." Said Ixora, sitting comfortably in her throne with Opal knelt beside it.

"Your majesty, trying to do so by force could kill Jodak if she's small. We need a different strategy altogether. Through my own telepathic channels, I've been able to find out Iridius's schedule. She's due to attend a personal training session with one of her commanders tomorrow. 'PT' they call it." Opal started. "Iridius can't take Jodak with her, she already plans to let the Izrok woman stay at her headquarters that day, all by herself. She'll be alone for eleven hours at least."

"Can you be so sure of that?" Asked Ixora.

"I'm positive, but my Sleeper sisters have been known to fool the psychic mind through lying to their own self-conscience. They trick themselves into believing what they tell themselves. I can usually see through those, but the real gamble comes when they act the part." Opal answered.

"A good telepath doesn't always rely on their powers to find things out." Ixora wisely reminded Opal. "Don't screw up Commander, I need that Izrok back."

Opal stood up from her stance and approached the front of Ixora's throne, seeming hesitant to say something else. She could already feel the Queen reading her mind, so she spoke out anyway.

"There is another matter, your majesty." Said Opal.

"The Major." Ixora said before Opal could say anything else.

"Yes." Replied Opal.

"Commander." Started Ixora. "If you touch that Human, I'll personally demote you. He's the best chance that we've got to established good relations with the Human race. Don't touch him." Ixora warned Opal.
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TheTitanOfGeek's avatar
If they can see the future, why in the world do they bother if they know that Gala and Kora won't be imprisoned?